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Add to Wishlist


A wishlist offers a way for shoppers to save items for later purchase or for future reference. They are an important feature in ecommerce, because they indicate the shopper's interest in products they might want to buy in the future. Instead of having them rely on their memory, why not help them remember the products they are already interested in? By offering a way to add products to a wishlist you are greatly enhancing your potential customer's shopping experience.

Most advanced ecommerce businesses offer a way to shoppers to save items for later. The vast majority of wishlists offered by ecommerce platforms are tied into customer registration modules, so only registered users can "like" products or add them to wishlists. In addition, ecommerce platforms typically charge a recurring fee to allow you to use a wishlist in your store. Our Wishlist for Turbify has no such limitations.

Why our Wishlist add-on is better:

  • No recurring fees or monthly charges. One time purchase and you are good to go.
  • All the code is hosted on your own account.
  • Requires no customer registration. Any visitor to your site can create their own wishlist.
  • Like button next to Add to Cart.
  • "Liked" indicator in the header (with counter).
  • "Liked" indicator on the item and category pages.
  • Items can be added to the Wish List both from item and category pages.

Technical note: this is a cookie-based solution with a long expiration date. Only the product ids are stored, the product names and prices come directly from the catalog, so there is never a chance for a discrepancy between the price shown in the wish list vs the actual price of the items.

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