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Editor V3.0/RTML 2.0 Updates

With the introduction of Turbify Editor V3.0 and RTML 2.0, some of the tips - mostly the RTML tips - are now outdated if you are using the new templates/editor. Watch this place as we post the relevant corrections here.

How to remove your store's name from the pages (p. 12)

This tip does not apply to Editor V3.0


Graphical Order Button (p. 13)

This tip does not apply to Editor V3.0. To add a graphical order button, upload your Add to Cart image into the "add-to-cart-image" variable.


Breadcrumbs (p. 15) and Enabling the built-in breadcrumbs (p. 19)

This tip does not apply to Editor V3.0. Breadcrumbs are built into Editor V3.0.


Click here to enlarge (p. 25)

In Editor V3.0, you will have to modify your copy of the "image" template. In that template, you'll see towards the end of the template the following code segment:

IMAGE source RENDER image image
                    max-height h
                    max-width w
      alt @name
      class WHEN CALL :has-price 
      title @name

this needs to be changed to

IMAGE source FUSE axis :vertical
               RENDER image image
                      max-height h
                      max-width w
               RENDER text "Click to enlarge"
      alt @name
      class WHEN CALL :has-price 
      title @name

Enlarged Image Popup (p. 87)

The template to modify is your copy of the "image" template. In that template, you'll see a code segment like this:

               "a href=\""
               IMAGE-REF image

Change this to:

               "a href=javascript:popup('enlarge.html?"
               IMAGE-REF image
               "') "

In addition, Editor V3.0 does not have a "raw-html." template. Instead, use x2-raw-html. as the template for the enlarge page.

Alphabetized Index Page

You will have to modify your copy of the sitemap template. Everything starting with the FOR-EACH operator in the book will replace the entire FOR-EACH block in the sitemap template.

Hierarchical Index Page

In Editor V3, the ITEM operator requires its contents to be pasted within, not after, so if you are using editor V3, the CALL :hierarchy-list expressions in the templates will have to be pasted within the ITEM operator.